22 April 2012

Before I Go To Sleep

                       'DON'T TRUST BEN'

It is remarkable how three simple words can strike such anxiety into the hearts of intrepid readers experiencing S J Watson's debut novel; Before I Go To Sleep for the very first time, myself included. 'Psychological thrillers' (if I must name a category) are not usually my cup of tea, particularly the kind that look like they may promptly end up on a Richard & Judy/Oprah/TV Book Club-type list.  This book however has been the exception in my case. After hearing S J Watson read from the first chapter at the Bookmarked Salon in Manchester last year, naughtily ending his reading on the cliffhanger above, my curiosity was accordingly piqued. 

Christine Lucas is a 47 year old woman who suffers with a very rare and severe form of amnesia. This means that she can generally not remember anything beyond a 24 hour period. Once she goes to sleep, her memories vanish into thin air, meaning that when she wakes up she has no idea who or where she is and, most importantly, who that man is in bed beside her...

We rapidly learn that the man is Ben, her husband, and he tells her that she lost her memory in a car accident in her twenties. We also meet Dr Nash, a neurologist assisting Christine in her recovery by persuading her to put together a journal; a journal she writes in every day and that includes the quotidian facts of her life, flashbacks to her past and, most worryingly, the three words printed above. As she is forced to reconstruct her identity from scratch every single day, this journal becomes her lifeline and, we hope, a path for her out of the fog, as she begins to recollect more and more as time goes along.

The upkeep and reading of this journal is the main way that Watson manages to stop this story from grinding to a halt. We quickly realise that Christine is completely and utterly dependent on those around her and it is when doubt in these other characters enters the picture that this tale become truly terrifying, both for the main protagonist and her readers. She describes herself as living almost like an animal, completely in the moment; a comparison I thought captured her situation so vividly, reinforcing the undeniable fact that without our memories, we almost cease to exist.

This is a gripping novel and I have well and truly rapped my knuckles for the fact that this book would have probably passed me by had I not been confronted with the author himself and a tantalising virgin copy for him to sign (:-O shameless!) I surprised myself by caring so much about what happened to Christine and suffered several anxious moments on the bus to and from work as I begged her to remember crucial things happening around her. The superbly drawn characters aside, the sheer planning that must have gone into this book alone is something to marvel at...I personally wouldn't even know where to begin...

On an extra plus side, S J Watson seems to be a extraordinarily nice, normal chap, which makes buying his debut novel all the more satisfying!


  1. I've heard a great deal of positive feedback on this book and the feature on the Channel 4 Book Club has made me more interested.

    Thank you for an informative review.

    1. This book is pretty spanking :) I like the idea of the TV Book Club but I find it rather wooden, which is a shame because they have reviewed some good books!

  2. Have you seen the Christopher Nolan film Memento? This sounds quite similar to it. Brilliant film if you've not seen it

    1. O. Never. I will check it out immediately. My boyfriend is allergic to sitting still for too long but is getting much better and currently discovering the beauty of a good film. Great idea!

  3. I couldn't put this book down, when I finished I realised there were a few plot holes but the narrative drive was such that I didn't notice them at the time, and ultimately it didn't affect my view that ti's a terrific page turner.

    1. Hi Victoria

      I was completely glued to the last couple of chapters and had to bite my lip from discussing it with everyone and spoiling it for them. Plot holes, unless they are gaping black holes, usually don't bother me too much. My illogical mind was impressed enough by that point :)

  4. Now you've got my gears turning! I'm already imagining what it Ben's done to make his own wife caution herself against trusting him. Onto the to-read list this book goes!

    1. It will keep you guessing for 300 pages believe me! Brilliant book and I really wouldn't have picked it up if I'd not gone to see SJ Watson speak. I'm so glad I made the effort :)
